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News Archive

Proud To Be Inclusive

Across the District, there are a variety of opportunities throughout the school year to celebrate diversity, inclusion and kindness. When students feel represented, welcome, supported, respected, and safe, they are more engaged in learning.

Confederation Park Elementary is proud to join schools across the District and province showing our support for inclusion and kindness for all!

News Archive

“Bridges” Stage Production

Our grade 6 and 7 students premiered a stage production of the opera “Bridges”, by Dr. Suzanne Windsor-Liscombe on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

The opera is inspired by the story of Ruby Bridges, a civil rights activist and the first black child to integrate into a New Orleans’ all white public school system.  (

We were honoured to have brought this story to the stage.

Collaborative Artwork by Division 2 students.


News Archive

West Coast Recess and Lunch Program

With the winter weather heading our way, we wanted to remind you of our “West Coast Recess and Lunch” program.  The Fraser Health Authority considers being outdoors and getting fresh air to be the most beneficial for students’ mental and physical wellbeing.

Students will be going outside at recess and lunch (rain, snow or sunshine), so please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for the weather (please see suggestions below):

Being prepared for the weather – we encourage students to:

  • Wear a raincoat or warm winter coat
  • Wear rain/snow boots
  • Wear rain/snow pants
  • Bring an umbrella
  • Wear a hat and gloves
  • Have a change of clothes (including socks and extra shoes) to be kept at school in case students get wet

Thank you for helping to keep your children warm and dry.