
Full-Release Emergency Drill

We will be having a Full-Release Emergency Drill on the afternoon of Thursday, October 17th.  This will be an emergency evacuation drill followed by a full release of students to parents.  The drill will begin at 2pm and parents will be asked to come to the site to pick up their child(ren) after 2:15pm. The drill will take place over the road from the playground in the Confederation Park picnic area.

Students will be organized in family groupings by their last name and each group will be associated with a colour. Students with a last name beginning:

A – G = RED


P – Z = BLUE

When you arrive to pick up your child(ren) please go to the corresponding colour group where there will be a sign-out table. Please note that we will NOT release students to adults unless ID is shown.  If you are asking an adult other than yourself to pick up your child they MUST be registered on the Student Emergency Release Form (pink form) which was filled in at the beginning of this school year, and this adult must also bring ID.  If you wish to check this information please contact the office beforehand.  Any parents not able to pick up their child before 3pm will pick them up at the bell outside.

We will run this drill rain or shine so please ensure your child dresses appropriately for the weather on this day, including water proof clothing.

If you have any further questions please contact the office.