Please join the PAC team for a Community Gathering on Thursday, October 3, 3:30-5pm!
Order via MunchaLunch
See you there!
Please join the PAC team for a Community Gathering on Thursday, October 3, 3:30-5pm!
Order via MunchaLunch
See you there!
Welcome Conversations are happening this week and next depending on teacher’s availability. These conversations are meant to give families a chance to share important information about their child(ren) and to set some goals for this school year. We look forward to connecting and learning more about our students!
Please use exterior classroom doors to enter and exit classrooms for your meeting.
Dear Families,
More information about our Welcome Conversations will be coming to you soon but we wanted to let you know now that we will be having an early 2:05pm dismissal on Friday, September 27th.
Thank you!
We hope you are enjoying your summer and we look forward to seeing you back at school next week!
On Tuesday, September 3rd, the first day of school, students will return to their classroom from the previous year. The primary objective for the morning is to take accurate attendance, so it is important for all students to attend. Students should arrive by 8:50 a.m. and will be dismissed at 10:00 a.m.
New students to Confederation Park School should wait at the Pandora St. entrance, where they will be greeted and escorted to the art room.
Wednesday, September 3rd through Friday, September 6th are full days for grade 1-7 students, and they will continue to stay in their classroom from last year. Students will be engaging with the theme “Finding Our Place” and participating in activities designed to strengthen community and relationships. We plan to move students into their new classes on Monday, Monday, Sept. 9th.
A special warm welcome to our new Kindergarten families. Please refer to the gradual entry schedule that was shared with you in June.
June 21st is National Indigenous History Day in Canada. It’s a time to honour the stories, achievements and resilience of Indigenous Peoples. Confederation Park Elementary was proud to honour this day by having a primary event called “One voice, One Heart, All Peoples” in which our students gathered in a drum circle with their newly made deer hide rattles and sang two Indigenous songs: Gitsigakomin and L’il Wat Song.
Students were also read a beautiful story by Monique Gray Smith entitled “ When We Are Kind”, learned about the history of Bannock and had a chance to sample some for themselves!
The Olympics is this year’s Sports Day theme.
We will be gearing up for Sports Day with our “Dress to Impress” Spirit Days:
There will be early dismissal on Friday, June 14 at 1:30pm
We invite our Parent Volunteers to our Volunteer Appreciation Petite Breakfast on Thursday, May 30th from 8:30-9:30am. Thank you for making our school a wonderful place to be!
Confederation Park students and teachers will be hosting Student-led Conferences on Thursday, May 23rd from 3:15 – 6:15 p.m.
This is a wonderful opportunity for your child(ren) to communicate their learning journey with you. It is an important time as your child takes a lead role in discussing learning successes and areas for growth.
Please note – there will be an early dismissal on Friday, May 24 at 2:05pm.