Posts by confederationparkadmin

News Archive

Spirit Day – Sports Wear Day

The Boomerang Club is organizing a Spirit Day on Friday, April 19, 2024.

Sports Wear Day!Our school community is encouraged to wear your favourite sports jerseys, pinnies, team uniforms, or any other sports wear.  We are looking forward to having fun on Friday!


News Archive

Spring Break and Happy Easter!


Confederation Park staff would like to wish our school community a wonderful Spring Break with friends and family!  We also hope you have a fun St. Patrick’s Day and a Happy Easter!!!  We look forward to seeing students back at school on Tuesday, April 2.

News Archive

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Kareem!   This year the holy month of Ramadan begins at the first sighting of the crescent moon on the evening of Sunday, March 10 or Monday, March 11 and continues for 29 or 30 days.  Wishing you peace and joy in Ramadan.

Featured Slider, School News

“Bridges” Stage Production

Our grade 6 and 7 students premiered a stage production of the opera “Bridges”, by Dr. Suzanne Windsor-Liscombe on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

The opera is inspired by the story of Ruby Bridges, a civil rights activist and the first black child to integrate into a New Orleans’ all white public school system.  (

We were honoured to have brought this story to the stage.

Collaborative Artwork by Division 2 students.



Stage Production “Bridges”

Our grade 6 and 7 students premiered a stage production of the opera “Bridges”, by Dr. Suzanne Windsor-Liscombe on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

The opera is inspired by the story of Ruby Bridges, a civil rights activist and the first black child to integrate into a New Orleans’ all white public school system.  (

We were honoured to have brought this story to the stage.

Collaborative Artwork by Division 2 students.