Posts by confederationparkadmin

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Black History Month

February is Black History Month

Every February, people across Canada participate in Black History Month events and festivities that honour the legacy of Black people in Canada and their communities. The 2024 theme for Black History Month is: “Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build”. This theme celebrates the rich past and present contributions and accomplishments of Black people in Canada, while aspiring to embrace new opportunities for the future.

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Registration February 2024

February is registration month for the Burnaby School District for the 2024-2025 school year.

Kindergarten registrations, new registrations, Cross-District, Out-of-District and Language Program applications will be accepted in the month of February 2024.  Applications received after March 1st will be placed on a waitlist.

All registrations are done online at

Students born in 2019 will be entering Kindergarten in September 2024 and must register at their attendance area school.  To find the school that your child is eligible to attend, click School Locator.

Please submit any Cross-District or Out-of-District applications to your desired school via email.  To submit to our school, please email  Transfer application forms can be found at this link (click here)  starting February 1, 2024.

News Archive

Black Excellence Day 2024

What is Black Excellence Day?

As a lead up to Black History Month, Black Excellence Day is a day to rejoice Black history and learn about Black stories, Black art and Black people, and a day to stand in solidarity with Black Canadians.
Black Excellence Day was created by Ninandotoo Society and takes place on January 15th each year.

This year the Ninandotoo Society is encouraging students to wear whatever they would like rather than encouraging the wearing of black shirts as in the past.

January 15th is in honour of the great civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was born on January 15, 1929.  

Read the rest of this entry

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West Coast Recess and Lunch Program

With the winter weather heading our way, we wanted to remind you of our “West Coast Recess and Lunch” program.  The Fraser Health Authority considers being outdoors and getting fresh air to be the most beneficial for students’ mental and physical wellbeing.

Students will be going outside at recess and lunch (rain, snow or sunshine), so please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for the weather (please see suggestions below):

Being prepared for the weather – we encourage students to:

  • Wear a raincoat or warm winter coat
  • Wear rain/snow boots
  • Wear rain/snow pants
  • Bring an umbrella
  • Wear a hat and gloves
  • Have a change of clothes (including socks and extra shoes) to be kept at school in case students get wet

Thank you for helping to keep your children warm and dry.


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Winter Break

Please be reminded that Confederation Park Elementary will be CLOSED between
Friday, December 22nd
to Friday, January 5th
for Winter Break.

We will be welcoming students & staff back to class on:
Monday, January 08th 2024 

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Weather-related School Closures

We want to remind you about how the Burnaby School District shares weather-related school closures.


How are decisions made?

All schools will remain OPEN unless there is heavy snowfall, damage, or other circumstances – such as a power outage – that make it impossible to open for instruction.

When will I know?

We do our best to communicate school or district-wide CLOSURES by 6:30am.

Please note that no announcement will be made that schools are open, except under extreme circumstances.

How will I know?

The information about closures will typically be posted on both the District website and X/Twitter account. However, please keep in mind that there may be situations where this is not possible, such as a power outage. Another way to learn about school closures is through local news stations (online, radio, and TV). Generally, only closures or delays are announced.


What about student safety and family choice?

Student safety is a responsibility we share with families. Please walk your child to the door of the school if you are unsure whether the school is open. If for any reason you feel that your student cannot travel safely then please, as you normally would, notify the school that your child will be absent.

What if schools are open and the weather gets worse throughout the day?

If weather conditions deteriorate throughout the day and create a concern for the safety of students returning home, a decision may be made to dismiss students early. This will be communicated to parents in the best way possible through the schools’ normal communications channels.

How will adult education students be informed?

If weather conditions result in a decision to cancel evening classes, this notice will be made mid-day and posted on the Burnaby CCE website.

Where can I learn more?

Additional information can be found in our Policy Statement.


Updated November 2023

News Archive

Thank you PAC

Thank you to our school community for making the
Art Show Fundraiser on Friday night such a huge success!  A special THANK YOU to our amazing PAC executive members who started working on this project last June and the many volunteers that helped before, during, and after the actual event!
We are fortunate to have such a generous and supportive school community.